The entry was made as I could see volume picking up. In all fairness, I did not have my eye…
I was looking at this pair for about 2 hours. The price eventually showed me a signal to get. I…
I am not getting the ‘rub of the green’ (Not sure if the phrase is universal). I do not think…
As per my previous trade, this also did not work as expected. Trades feel forced at the moment. I need…
As with my current trades at the moment. The charts looks good all the way down the daily chart. My…
I felt there was an opportunity to scalp this pair. Unfortunately, I was wrong and the trade did not work…
Trade got stopped out before I could post entry. I am not too concerned, I was aware the 45min and…
The price over shot the resistance. I was hoping to get in after price hit the round number. Trade did…
I used the support from the weekly chart. There wee no definitive and clear point of entry. Trade closed manually…
Cycling through the different time frames, I can see a large drop in the short/medium term. The weekly chart is…